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第二十五课 Country Music

Hot dogs. I love hot dogs. 热狗。我舷不度 狗。
There is nothing better than a hot dog in the country. 在美国没佑斜热裙 更好的东西了。
Hot dogs and mustard. 热狗和芥哪
Cooked outdoors over an open fire. 在户外的换 堆上烤。
I wish I had one now. 我真希望舷 在就来一个。
Do you remember when Daddy and I used to take you 你还记得鞍 爸和我常带你
and Susan and Robbie to Jones Beach? Susan Roobbie去Jones海滨的事吗
Oh, I sure do. 哦 我当热 记得。
We'd wait until dark and make a fire, 我们等到烫 黑就升火
and we'd cook the hot dogs. 然後烤热构贰
Oh, don't forget the mustard. 噢 不要屯 了芥末。
And, oh, does anybody want ketchup? 噢 有人乙  酱吗
I might as well take it along. 我还是一档来 著。
And now to make sure we've got the hamburger patties. 再来 务北 要带汉堡碎肉饼。
I have to remember to put them in the bag 我必须记档媒 它们放进袋
tomorrow morning before we leave. 在明天早缮 临走之前。
I'll remind you, Richard. 我会提醒 你的 Richard。
Mom, 妈
we really appreciate your taking care of Max for the weekend 我们真心父行 在 末照顾Max
and giving up your free time. 放 的 暇时间。
I love doing it. 我爱这样鬃觥
Susan and Harry have a sitter for Michelle in the city, Susan和Haarry在城 给Michelle找到一位临时保姆
and I'm taking care of Max. 我就来照构薓ax。
It's no big deal. 这没有什鼢帷
I am happy to do it for you. 我很高兴挝 你们做这件事。
I guess Max is asleep by now. 我想Max现现在已经睡觉了
He's not crying anymore. 他不再哭亮恕
Oh, poor baby. 噢 可怜档男” 贝。
He's teething. 他正在长蜒 齿。
Well, he's asleep--finally. 好了 他种侦 睡著了。
I feel so bad for him. 我为他难构
It hurts so much when a baby gets his first teeth. 小孩子长档 一颗牙齿时好痛哟。
He'll be fine, Marilyn. 他不会有适碌 Marilyn。
Well, he wakes up several times during the night, 噢 他一乙 醒了好几次
and the pain is so bad. 疼得很厉 害。
I'm really concerned about going away for the weekend, Ellen, 我这个 哪┏雒攀翟诜判牟幌 Ellen
I'm really concerned about going away for the weekend, Ellen, 我这个 哪┏雒攀翟诜判牟幌 Ellen
and leaving you with the full responsibility of taking care of Max. 还要把照构薓ax的全部责任留给 。
Especially with his teething. 特别是他舷 在开始长牙。
I wish he felt better. 我真希望怂 现在好一点。
Please don't worry, Marilyn. 请别担心 Marilyn。
Remember your father-in-law's a pediatrician. 记住 公构切《 科医师。
We have a live-in doctor if there's a problem I can't handle. 假如我遇档讲 能解决的问题 我们还有位驻家医生。
I agree, Marilyn. 我同意 MMarilyn。
We really don't have to be overly concerned. 我们真的膊 需要过分担心。
I'll go upstairs and stay with him until he falls asleep again. 我上楼去排闼 直到他又睡著。
Thanks, Richard. 谢谢 Ricchard。
Try putting him across your lap on his stomach. 试试让他排 著睡在你大腿上。
He likes that. 他喜欢那蜒
I'll try it. 我试试吧
When are Susan and Harry picking you up, Marilyn? Susan和Haarry什麽时候来接你们 Marilyn
They're coming by at six tomorrow morning, 他们明天栽 晨六点钟过来
so we can get an early start. 这样我们靠 以早点出发。
That's nice. 很好。
And you'll have a full day in the country. 你们就可乙 在乡下待一整天啦。
And a full night. 还有一整乙埂
Tomorrow night we'll be camping out in tents. 明天晚上挝 们将露宿在帐蓬 。
And coming home on Sunday? 星期日回览词锹
We'll be heading back late in the afternoon. 我们会在换 昏时打道回府。
We'll be heading back late in the afternoon. 我们会在换 昏时打道回府。
You're going to have the time of your lives. 你们将会屯 得非常痛快。
Camping out is such great fun. 露营是件贩浅 好玩的事。
We'll have a great time camping out, I'm sure. 我确定我妹 会在露营时玩得很开心。
But I'm still a little worried about you, Ellen. 但我还是佑 点牵 著 Ellen。
It will be my great pleasure, Marilyn. 我也会很佑 快的 Marilyn。
Remember, it's only one night. 记住 只膊还 一个晚上。
He's asleep. 他睡著了
I think he'll sleep through the night now. 我想他现栽 会睡到天亮。
Thanks, honey. 谢谢 亲鞍 的。
I hope he's good when we're away. 我希望我妹 不在时 他很乖。
Well, so do I. 嗯 我也舷 望如此。
Now, to check the list of things we need for the camping trip. 现在 让挝 们检查一下露营旅行所需物品的 单吧。
We need to bring a flashlight. 我们需要创 一个手电筒。
It's in the right-hand drawer, next to the bottle openers. 在右边的吵樘 就在开瓶器旁边。
Do we have a bottle opener on the list, Marilyn? 清单上有靠 器吗 Marilyn
No. No bottle opener. 没有 没佑 开瓶器。
Is that one of the things Susan and Harry are bringing? 那是不是适綮禨usan和Harry要带的
No. 不是。
And we're bringing the ketchup, mustard, relish--all that stuff. 我们还要创呀 芥末 调味酱 诸如此类的东西
And cooking utensils. 还有厨具
Well, here's the bottle opener, and here's the flashlight. 哦 这是靠科 这是手电筒。
Matches. 火柴。
Matches. 火柴。
Matches? 火柴
Yes, of course. 是的 当热弧
For when we build our campfire. 用来生营 火的。
I can't build a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together. 我总不能靠 著磨擦两片木柴来取火吧。
And don't forget your camera and film, Richard. 别忘了你档 照相机和底片 Richard。
All packed and ready. 都打包好亮恕
And let's not forget our cassette player and some tapes. 还别忘了创 上我们的卡式录音机和一些录音带。
Some music tapes and some blank tapes 带一些音览执 和一些空白带
so that we can record our thoughts about the trip. 以便我们哪 录下旅行中 感想。
Oh, that's a nice idea. 噢 这是父 好主意。
An audio diary. 来一段录乙羧 记。
That's what I thought. 我就是这鼢 想的。
Got it! 找到了
The cassette player and the tapes. 卡式录音换 和录音带。

Marilyn and Richard will be away for the weekend.
But Marilyn is worried about Max.
I hope he's good when we're away.
Use the present tense when you talk about the future--
after "WHEN."
They will leave tomorrow morning.
And they want to take some hamburgers along.
We'll have to remember to put them in the bag
tomorrow morning before we leave.
Use the present tense when you talk about the future--
after "BEFORE."
Max keeps crying.
He doesn't want to sleep.
Maybe he'll fall asleep again.
I'll go upstairs and stay with him until he falls asleep again.
Use the present tense
when you talk about the future--
after "UNTIL."
Will Max miss his parents this weekend?
Maybe there'll be a problem with him.
We have a live-in doctor if there's a problem I can't handle.
Use the present tense
when you talk about the future--after "IF."
I hope Max goes to sleep AFTER Richard and Marilyn leave.
I hope Max goes to sleep AS SOON AS everyone says goodbye.
I hope Max gets a lot of sleep
WHILE Richard and Marilyn are on their trip.
Use the present tense
when you talk about the future--after "AFTER."
after "AS SOON AS."
after "WHILE."


Oh, I love it! 哦 我太舷不读
I love it! 我太喜欢
To be away from the city on such a beautiful day 在这样美汉 的一天远离都市
is my idea of heaven! 正是我所挝降 天堂
The grass. The trees. The fresh air. 草地 树哪 新鲜空气。
I told you you'd like it. I've been doing this for years. 我告诉过 会喜欢的。我多年来一直从事这项活动。
You have the spirit of a teenager, Susan. 有一股 青少年的朝气 Susan。
Wait till you see yourself jumping around. 等著看 哪 到处乱蹦的样 吧。
That's what I love about Susan. 这就是我鞍甋usan的一点。
She works hard. 工作起来破疵
She plays hard. 玩起来也破 命。
She's a real Stewart. 她是一个照 正的Stewart家人。
Come on, Richard. 过来 Ricchard。
Help me get this stuff out of the car. 帮我将这行 东西拿下车子。
Where does it go? 放在哪儿
Well, we'll put everything over there. 嗯 我们浇 所有的东西都放在那边。
We'll set up our tents over there by the edge of the woods. 我们在林北 搭帐蓬。
Then we'll be able to make our fire there where it's safe. 然後我们揪 可以在那儿找一个安全的地方生火了。
Oh, there's our table and benches. 哦 那是挝 们的桌子和长板凳。
All set for eating. 吃饭用的乙磺卸甲急 好了。
That's what makes this spot so good. 那就是为适 麽这个地点这样好的道理。
Is anybody hungry? 有人饿了
I am. 我饿了。
We just got here. 我们才刚父 到这儿。
When you're out in the fresh air like this, it makes you hungry. 当你来外妹 呼吸这麽新鲜的空气时 就很容易饿。
Aren't you hungry, Marilyn? 不饿吗 Marilyn
I sure am. 我确实饿 了。
How about you, Richard? 你呢 Ricchard
Starving. 很饿。
You guys are like three kids. 你们就像热 个孩子。
Aren't you hungry, Harry? 你不饿吗 Harry
Well, yeah. 嗯 饿啊
Now that you mention it, I guess I am. 你们一提破鹄 我想我也饿了。
I mean, 我的意思
how could a guy not be hungry with all this talk about eating? 当大家都栽 谈吃的 谁能不饿呢
Where's the bag with the chicken salad sandwiches? 放 肉沙 拉三明治的袋子在哪
Right here, next to the ice packs. Here. 就在这   在冰袋旁边。这儿。
Right here, next to the ice packs. Here. 就在这   在冰袋旁边。这儿。
Put the tablecloth on the picnic table, 将桌巾 栽谝 餐桌上
and I will bring the cola and the plastic cups. 我拿可乐汉退 胶杯来。
Well, how do you like it so far? 好了 到舷 在为止 你们感觉怎麽样
I've never been more relaxed. 我从来没舷 这样轻 过。
Me, neither. 我也没有构
I wish we had brought Michelle, Harry. 我真希望挝 们带了Michelle来 Harry。
She would have loved it. 她会喜欢照 的。
Oh, you're right. 哦 说档 对。
I wish we had brought Max. 我也希望创薓ax来。
Marilyn, Susan, let's not begin to worry about Michelle and Max. Marilyn Susan 不要开始担心Michelle和Max。
We're having a good time, and they're in good hands. 我们玩得屯纯 他们也得到很好的照顾。
Richard is right. Richard是是对的
Are you having a good time, Susan? 玩得高行寺 Susan
You haven't answered my question. 没有回创鹞 的问题呢。
I am having a good time, Harry. 我玩得很父咝 Harry
I promise not to think about the city. 我保证不栽 去想城 的事。
We're in the country. 我们在乡创濉
Let's all just enjoy this wonderful place 让我们大技 就来享受这个美妙的地方
and this wonderful weather. 和这种美汉玫 天气吧。
Good. 好。
This is heaven, Harry! 这简直是烫焯 Harry
It was such a great idea to spend the weekend this way. 这样过 哪 的主意简直太棒了。
It was such a great idea to spend the weekend this way. 这样过 哪 的主意简直太棒了。
Thanks, Susan. 谢谢 SSusan。
I thought you'd all like it. 我料想你妹 都会喜欢的。
Like it? 喜欢
I love it! 我爱上它
Listen to the sounds of the summer that surround us. 仔细倾听换 绕我们的夏夜声息。
It's so calming. 好宁谧 。
I've always liked camping out. 我一直喜换堵 营。
Away from the telephones and account books. 远离电话汉驼什尽
It's refreshing for me. 这是我提照 精神的方法。
I always go back to the city in a wonderful state of mind. 我再回到吵 时 精神总是十分饱满。
We've only been here for a day, 我们到这 仅仅一天
and I've completely forgotten about all my business problems. 但我已经吵沟 抛开了我所有的业务上的问题。
The office seems so far away. 办公室好舷 变得那麽遥远。
I'm glad you like it, Susan. 我很高兴 喜欢它 Susan。
We'll spend many more weekends like this. 我们以後靠梢 多度几次这样的 末。
And next time we'll bring Michelle. 下次我们乙鳰ichelle来。
I wish she were here with us to enjoy the country. 我真希望舷 在她就和我们在一起享受这乡村美景。
And next time we'll bring Michelle. 下次我们创鳰ichelle来。
Just listen to the sound. 听听这些缮 音。
It's so soothing. 是这样的鞍 详。
I can hardly keep my eyes open. 我简直睁 不开眼睛了。
If only we could bottle the fresh air. 要是我们哪 用瓶子将新鲜空 装回去多好。
If only we could bottle the fresh air. 要是我们哪 用瓶子将新鲜空 装回去多好。
Wouldn't it be wonderful? 那样岂不适 太美妙了吗
We could call it "Deep Sleep Country Air." 我们可以吵 它为 沉睡的乡村空气 。
It puts you to sleep. 它让你很靠 入睡。
So does the sound. 这些声音乙 是。
I've been having a hard time keeping my eyes open 我一直挣 扎著要让双眼睁开
just listening to it. 听著这些缮 音时。
It's like a special music. 它就像是乙 种特别的音乐。
Too bad we can't bottle the sound. 不能将声乙 装瓶真是太可惜了。
But we can! 但我们能
Can what? 能做什麽
Bottle the sound. 将声音装破 来呀。
What are you talking about? 在说什
Oh, yeah? 噢 做什
Great idea! 好主意
Let's do it! 我们来录

Put away your worries.
Put away your cares.
Let's leave our work behind us.
Let's get away somewhere.
Let's pack up what we need, enough for a weekend stay.
Let's go on a camping trip,
'cause we all need to get away.
We'll bring some hot dogs with us, burgers and ketchup, too.
Don't forget the mustard,
because we're going to have a barbecue.
We'll pitch our tents right by the woods, and we'll enjoy the view.
The sights and sounds of the country
are waiting for me and you.
We'll set up our tents over there by the edge of the woods.
Then we'll be able to make our fire there where it's safe.
We'll cook our dinner every night over an open fire.
We'll go fishing on the lake, if we can get a boat for hire.
And if there's any problem--
something we don't know about--
park rangers are always there,
they'll always help us out.
We can walk a hiking trail.
There's a lot to see out there.
We can pick some flowers.
You can wear them in your hair.
So pack up your hiking boots,
'cause you have to dress up right.
And don't forget a lantern,
'cause it gets real dark at night.
There's always something going on.
There's plenty for us to do.
The sights and sounds of the country are waiting for me and you.


I'm so glad everyone is asleep. 很高兴大技 都睡了。
I thought Max would be crying, and everybody would be awake. 我还以为MMax会哭个不停 让大家都睡不著。
What did I tell you? 我不是告怂吖 吗
Nothing to worry about. 没有什麽汉 担心的。
I'm sure everything is fine. 我确信一乔卸 很好。
My mother knows all there is to know 我母亲完热 懂得
about taking care of babies, I assure you. 如何照顾行『 我向 保证。
Let's put some of this stuff away and then take off. 让我们把膊 份东西拿出来 然後就走啦。
We've got a forty-minute drive into the city. 我们还要靠 四十分钟 车到城 去。
Welcome home-- 欢迎归来
and I do mean welcome home. 我真心欢佑 你们回来。
Something wrong? 有什麽不抖 劲吗
Oh, nothing's wrong, Richard. 噢 没有适 麽事 Richard。
Believe me, Max is fine. 相信我 MMax很好。
But his teeth hurt, and he just can't get to sleep, poor dear. 但他的牙烫 他不能入睡 可怜的小宝贝。
Neither can you. 也不能热 睡。
Oh, I feel so bad. 噢 我真北浮
Oh, I'm fine. 噢 我很汉谩
How was your weekend? 你们的 哪┕迷貅嵫
We had a great time, Mom. 我们玩得贩浅 开心 妈。
It was wonderful. 太好了。
The weather couldn't have been better. 天气再好膊还 了。
It was nice here, too. 这儿也很汉谩
Did you get a chance to get outside at all? 有时间吵雒怕
Oh, yes. 噢 是的
Grandpa helped me yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午 祖父帮我的忙。
I went to the supermarket to get a few things, 我去一趟吵妒谐 买了几样东西
and I stayed out an extra half hour. 我还特别抖 待了半个小时。
The village was filled with people--the weather was so nice. 镇上挤满亮巳 天气好的缘故。
Harry's a professional camper, Mom. Harry是露露营专家 妈
He knows all there is to know, 他无所不
and he made the weekend very easy for us to enjoy. 使得我们档 末过得非常轻 愉快。
Come on. You all helped. 别这样说  你们都帮了忙。
You were wonderful, Harry! 你真是了膊黄 Harry
Why don't you go to your room, Mom, and get some sleep. 为什麽不档 的房间去 妈妈 去睡一会儿。
Why don't you go to your room, Mom, and get some sleep. 为什麽不档 的房间去 妈妈 去睡一会儿。
Oh, I'm fine. 噢 我不乙 紧。
Tell me more about your weekend. 多告诉我乙 点你们的 末。
Did you do anything special? 你们做了适 麽特别的事情吗
Lots of special country things. 有许多特北鸬 乡村趣事。
We picked flowers. 我们 了换ā
And we brought some home for you. 而且带了乙 些回来给 。
It was so nice to be out in the country. 出去置身舷 下真是太好了。
They smell wonderful. 闻起来很舷恪
Everything smelled so special. 所有的东挝鞫加幸还商 别的味道。
It would have been great if we had been able to bottle the smells. 假如我们哪 将气味装瓶该有多好
It would be a great business if you could do that. 假如 能鞍 到那样的话 可是一笔大生意。
Oh! 噢
Uh, we're home now, Ellen. 噢 我们舷 在到家了 Ellen。
We'll take care of it. 我们去照构恕
I'll take care of it. 我来照顾
Let's see if it works. 让我们看靠词 不是有效果。
What's that? 那是什麽
A little special country music. 一点特殊档南 村音乐。
I think we'd better head home. 我想我们鬃 好上路回家啦。
It's getting late, and we have a bit of a drive. 已经晚了 而我们还要开好一段路呢。
Well, all your things are inside. 嗯 所有哪 们的东西都拿 来了。
There's your sleeping bag. 这是你们档 睡袋。
There's your sleeping bag. 这是你们档 睡袋。
Oh, thanks, Harry. 噢 谢谢哪 Harry。
Say good-bye to Richard. 替我向Ricchard说声再见。
We'll call you all tomorrow night. 我们明天屯砩 打电话给你们。
Good-bye. 再见。
Bye, Mom. 再见 妈侣琛
Bye-bye. 再见。
Bye. 再见。
I'm so tired I think I'm overtired. 我好累 挝 想我是累过头了。
I don't know if I can get to sleep. 我不知道挝 能否睡得著。
Max has stopped crying. Max不哭了了
Yes. It works! 不错。有
It works! 有效
What works? 什麽有效
This. 这个。
Oh. Oh, where did you get that? 噢。噢 哪 们从哪儿弄来的
It sounds so nice. 很好听。
I think I'm falling asleep. 我想我要怂 著了。
Like Max did. 就像Max一一样
Good night. 晚安。
Good night. 晚安。
Sounds of the country. 乡村音响
The soothing sounds of the country. 安详的乡 村音响。
The soothing sounds of the country. 安详的乡 村音响。

Max is fine.
But his teeth hurt, and he just can't get to sleep.
I think Ellen wishes that Max had felt better.
If he had felt better, Ellen would have slept more.
Oh, I feel so bad.
Uh-oh. I think Marilyn wishes she had taken Max camping.
If Marilyn ... Max, Ellen ... an easier weekend.
That's right. If Marilyn had taken Max,
Ellen would have had an easier weekend.
I stayed out an extra half hour.
The village was filled with people--
the weather was so nice.
I bet Ellen wishes that she had stayed in the village a little longer.
If she ... in the village a little longer, she ... so tired.
You're right. If Ellen had stayed in the village a little longer,
she wouldn't have been so tired.
Harry's a professional camper, Mom.
He knows all there is to know.
I'm sure Richard wishes he'd gone camping before this weekend.
If Richard ... before, he ... what to do.
That's right.
If Richard had gone camping before,
he would have known what to do.

顶端 Posted: 2009-12-10 08:52 | 45 楼    新版 | 安规网

级别: 安规技术员
精华: 0
发帖: 626
安规威望: 113 点
安规金币: 118 个
安规宣传: 0 次
安规测试报告: 0 份

第二十六课 Opening Night

A little further to the right, Tom. 再往右一点 Toom。
Is this OK? 这样可以吗
Good. What do you think, Richard? 好。 你看呢
I like it there. 摆在那 很好。
It's the first thing people will see when they come in. 这是人们走进来来所看到的第一 件东西
It sets the tone for the whole show. 它决定了整个展展览的气氛
The next thing they'll see is 他们接著看到的的
this enlargement with the words Family Album, U.S.A. Family Album, U.S.A. 这几个放大的字。
I can't believe this is really happening! 我不敢相信这一一切真的发生
You've earned it. 这是你应得的报报偿
Years of work went into these pictures. 多年心血换来这这些照片
I know, but it's still a dream come true. 我知道 但这终终究是一个梦想实现了
Well, remember, 嗯 记住
we're not sure 我们还不能肯定
what the critics are going to write about your show yet. 评论家们会对你你的展览写些什麽
And you never know 而你永远也猜不不
what the man from the New York Times is going to say about it. 纽约时报的那个个人会说些什麽
Are you worried? 你担心吗
I always worry. 我一向担心。
The reviews of this show 与这次展览有关关的评
are important for the sales of your book. 对於你这本书的的销售很重要
When do we see the reviews? 什麽时候我们可可以看到评
Soon. 很快。
One of the critics is coming over this morning for a preview. 一位评论家今天天早上要来看预展
I hope he's in a good mood. 我希望他心情不不错
So do I. 我也是。
Marilyn and I hope to use money from the sales of this book Marilyn和我希屯 用这本书销售的钱
to buy a new house. 来买一栋新房子子
The book will be a success. 这本书会成功的的
And the show will help promote it. 而这次展览会有有利於促销它
Speaking of promoting the book, 说起促销书的事
do I really have to 我是不是真的有有必
autograph copies for the guests at the opening? 在展览开幕时为为客人在书上亲 是┟
It's common practice. 这是惯例。
I feel uncomfortable about it. 我对此感到满 扭的。
A lot of people come to openings 许多人参加开 荒灰鞘
A lot of people come to openings 许多人参加开 荒灰鞘
just so they can get 就是为了得到
the autograph of somebody who may be famous someday. 将来有可能成名名的人的亲 是┟
Couldn't we wait until I'm famous? 难道不能等到我我成名了再说
That might be sooner than you think. 那也许比你想像像的要快
This one over here, Mr. Carlson? 这张就摆这儿吗吗 Carlson先
A little further back, Tom. 再往後一点 Toom。
It's too close to the refreshments. 它离茶点太近了了
No, I think this one belongs in the "people-at-work" section. 不 我认为它属属於 工作中的人们 那一区
You may be right. 也许你说的对。
Try it there, Tom. 放在那儿试试 Tom。
Right. 好。
Nervous about the opening tonight? 对今晚开幕感到到紧张
Nervous? 紧张
Me? 我
No. I'm scared to death. 不。我害怕得要要命
How about guests? 来宾呢
How many people will you be bringing? 你约了多少人来
Well, my family, I guess. 嗯 我一家人 我想。
My wife Marilyn, my father and mother, 我太太Marilyn 我父亲和母亲
my brother Robbie, 我弟弟Robbie
my sister and her husband and their daughter. 我妹妹Susan和怂 丈夫以及 们的女儿。
And my grandfather. 还有我祖父。
And my grandfather. 还有我祖父。
Is that too many? 是不是太多了
No such thing as "too many" at an opening. 展览开幕怎麽会会嫌人太多呢
I hope they like it. 我希望他们会喜喜欢
Your family or the public? 你的家人还是公公
Everybody. 每一位。
But especially my family. 但尤其是我的家家人
They've stood by me through all this. 他们一直支持我我做这件事
I'm sure they'll like it. 我相信他们会喜喜欢的
Harvey, how are you? Harvey 你好吗
Mitchell, so nice of you to come. Mitchell 欢佑 光临。
Richard, this is Mitchell Johnson. Richard 这是是Mitchell Johnson
Mitchell is Mitchell是
one of the most important syndicated reviewers in the country. 我国最重要的报报团评论家之一
Well, you're the young man who did all this. 嗯 你就是那位位拍这些照片的年轻人
I'm afraid so. 不敢当。
Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
Nice to meet you, Mr. Johnson. 很高兴见到你 Johnson先生。
Mitchell has always encouraged new talent. Mitchell总是在在鼓励新人
Well ... you mind if I look around 嗯……你们不介介意我到处瞧
and see what it says to me? 看它给我什麽样样的感受
Be our guest. 请随意。
Mm-hmm, hmm, uh-huh. Mm-hmm,hmm,uh--huh。
Mm-hmm, hmm, uh-huh. Mm-hmm,hmm,uh--huh。
What does that mean when he goes, 他发出的声音代代表什麽意
"Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm"? "Mm-hmm,mm-hmmm,mm-hmm"
It probably means he's clearing his throat. 也许表示他正在在清 砹
I don't know. 我不知道。
I don't care what the critics say, Mr. Stewart. 我不管评论家怎怎麽说 Stewart先
Your work is brilliant. 你的作品很好。
Thank you, Tom. 谢谢你 Tom。
Tom is studying photography at NYU. Tom正在NYU学摄摄影
He's working with me during the summer months as an intern. 在夏天的这几个个月到我这 来当实习生
Oh, really? 噢 真的
I'd like to see your work. 我希望能看到你你的作品
It's not good enough to show. 还不值得展示。
I'm still learning. 我还在学习当中中
Oh, I'd still like to see your work. 噢 我仍然希望望看到你的作品
You may be the next Ansel Adams and not even know it. 你或许是第二个个Ansel Adams而不自知呢
If you really mean it, 假如你是说真的
I'll bring some of my pictures into the gallery. 我就带一些我的的摄影到艺廊来
I do mean it. 我的确是说真的的
Very interesting pictures, Mr. Stewart. 你的照片很有意意思 Stewart先生
You have a most unusual eye. 你有著极为不寻寻常的眼光
Thank you. 谢谢你。
I hope that's a compliment. 我希望这是 美美之词
I hope that's a compliment. 我希望这是 美美之词
It is. 它是的。
Are you going to be reviewing the show, Mitchell? 你会评论这项展展览吗 Mitchel
Oh, yes. It's definitely worth reviewing. 噢 是的 。它种 实值得评论。
Favorably? 是好评
Oh, you know I never answer that question, Harvey. 噢 你知道我从从不回答这类的问题 Harvey
I'd like an advance copy of the book, though, 但我想要一本新新书的试印
so I can study it. 以便我好好研究究
I have an autographed one in my office. 在我办公室 有有一本签了名的
Tom, would you give Mr. Johnson Tom 拿给Johnsson先生
the copy of Richard's book on my desk? 在我桌上那本Riichard的书 好吗
Just follow me, Mr. Johnson. 请跟我来 Johnnson先生。
Sure. 好的。
Do you think he liked my photographs? 你觉得他喜欢我我的摄影
We'll know when tonight's papers come out. 今晚的报纸出来来的时候 我们就知道了
Keep your fingers crossed. 希望你一切顺遂遂

What does that mean?
This is the job for ...
Pronunciation man.
All the sounds make sense.
Pronunciation man.
If you can hear the difference ...
Pronunciation man.
Listen. He said, "Hmm."
He meant, "I'm thinking."
Thank you. Pronunciation man.
Now would you like to take a look at a few paintings?
Note the interesting use of line!
Can you see the force perspective
in this painting?
This is a portrait of the artist's mother!
Huh? Ah-hah! Yuk!
This is getting ridiculous.
This is one of my favorite.
Notice the use of black and blue.
Here's one you'll like!
Ooh! This is good.
Thank you. Pronunciation man.
That's all we have.
Huh? No more pictures of me?!


Do you like the dress? 你喜欢这套衣服服
I love it. 我喜欢。
I designed it myself. 这是我自己设计计的
It's beautiful. 它很漂亮。
Are you ready? 你准备好了吗
We're supposed to be there 我们应当先到那那
before the guests arrive. 在客人到达之前前
I know. I know. 我知道。我知道道
Help me with this tie, will you? 帮我打领带 好好
Honey, I'm scared to death. 亲爱的 我害怕怕得要命
But this is what you've been working for all these years. 但你多年来的工工作 为的就是这个呀
No, no. 不 不。
I worked to put together a book of photographs. 我的工作是创作作出一本摄影书
This is show business. 而今天这个却是是演艺事业
Well, it's all part of the same job. 嗯 它们都是同同一项工作的一部份
Just relax and enjoy it. 放轻 点 好好好地享受它
You're right. 说得对。
I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it. 我辛苦赢得的 我要去享受它。
As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown. 只等我从神经崩崩溃中恢复过来
What are you afraid of? 你怕什麽
Everything. 每一样事情。
A critic was there this morning. 一个评论家早上上去过了
He probably hates my work. 他也许讨厌我的的作品
I have to sign copies of my book for a lot of people 我还必须为许多多人在我的书上签
I never met before. 我从未谋面过的的人
My new shoes hurt my feet ... 我的新鞋弄痛了了我的脚…
You're going to be a great success. 你会获得很大的的成功的
Are you ready? 你准备好了吗
As soon as I get these cuff links on. 只等我将袖扣扣扣好
Let me help. 我来帮忙。
Mom and Dad are already on their way down to the gallery. 妈妈和爸爸已经经出发去画廊了
There! You look very attractive. 天 你看起来真真
Thank you. 谢谢 。
Well, I suppose I've run out of excuses. 噢 我想我再也也找不出籍口了
Mm-hmm. Let's go ... 嗯哼。我们走吧吧…
Mm-hmm. Let's go ... 嗯哼。我们走吧吧…
Oh, one minute. 噢 再等一分钟钟
Before we go to the gallery, 在我们去画廊之之
I just want to tell you 我想告诉
that I never could have done this book 我不可能完成这这本
without your help and your love. 要不是 的帮助助和爱
I appreciate it. 我很感激。
Thanks. 谢谢。
Now, no more stalling. 现在 不 再拖拖延了
What is it? 怎麽回事
There's nobody here! 这 一个人都没没
Of course not, Richard. 当然不会有 Riichard。
Your show doesn't begin until eight thirty. 你的展览八点半半才开始
Oh. Right. 噢。对了。
Richard! Welcome! Good luck tonight! Richard 欢迎 祝你今天晚上好运
Well, thanks. 噢 谢谢你。
This is my publisher, Harvey Carlson. 这是我的出版商商Harvey Carlson
You've met my wife Marilyn ... 你曾经见过我太太太Marilyn…
Charmed. 荣幸见到 。
Hi. 嗨
My mother, Ellen Stewart. 我母亲Ellen Sttewart。
Harvey Carlson. 这是Harvey Carrlson。
It's good to meet you. 很高兴见到 。
It's good to meet you. 很高兴见到 。
It's nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
This is my father, Dr. Philip Stewart ... 这是我父亲 Phhilip Stewart医生……
Nice to meet you, Mr. Carlson. 很高兴见到你 Carlson先生。
My brother Robbie ... 我弟弟Robbie……
Hi. 嗨。
Hi. 嗨。
And this is my sister Susan and her husband Harry Bennett 这是我妹妹Susaan和她丈夫Harry Bennett
and his daughter Michelle. 以及他女儿Michhelle。
It's nice to meet you. 很高兴见到 。
And this gentleman is my grandfather, Malcolm Stewart. 这位绅士是我祖祖父Malcolm Stewart
Welcome, Mr. Stewart. 欢迎 Stewart舷 生。
Well, make yourselves comfortable. 噢 请大家自便便
There are hors d'oeuvres at the table, fruit punch at the bar. 在桌子上有小菜菜 柜 有水果调味饮品
Help yourselves. 请随便用。
Can I get you something, Mr. Stewart? 要我替你拿点什什麽吗 Stewart先
No, thank you. 不用 谢谢你。
You can feel very proud of your grandson, Mr. Stewart. 你可以为你的孙孙子感到非常的骄傲 Sewart先生
I do. 我就是啊。
I'm proud of all my grandchildren, Mr. Carlson. 我为我所有的孙孙子孙女感到骄傲 Carlson先生
Of course. 当然。
Feel free to look around. 请随意到处看看看
If you need anything, just ask. 假如你需要什麽麽 管讲
If you need anything, just ask. 假如你需要什麽麽 管讲
Thank you. 谢谢你。
Harvey? Harvey
Yes? 怎麽
Did Mitchell Johnson's review come out yet? Mitchell Johnsson的评论出来了没有
Not yet. 还没有。
The newspapers don't come out till about ten o'clock. 报纸要差不多十十点钟才出来
When they come out, we'll get it. 一出来 我们就就会拿到手
Thanks. 谢谢。
Ready? 准备好了吗
Yes. Have the people arrived? 是的。客人来了了
The guests are waiting. 客人们正等著呢呢
Tom's about to open the doors. Tom准备要开门亮恕
Good luck! And stop worrying! 祝你好运 别再再担
They're going to love it. 他们会喜欢的。

Nervous about the opening tonight?
Nervous? Me? No. I'm scared to death.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
I'm scared to death.
My heart is pounding like a drum.
And I'm out of breath.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
I can't think straight.
My palms are sweaty, I can't relax,
and I just can't concentrate.
I've got butterflies in my stomach.
And look at my hands!
They shake!
I try to get to sleep at night.
But I lie there wide awake ...
'cause I'm nervous!
Oh, I'm just a mess. Yeah!
My mouth is dry, I can hardly speak,
and I can't even get myself dressed.
I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it.
As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
It's my opening night.
I'm weak in the knees, I'm fidgety,
And I'm beside myself with fright.
I've got butterflies in my stomach.
And look at my hands!
They shake!
I try to get to sleep at night.
But I lie there wide awake ...
'cause I'm nervous!
And it's easy to see.
I'm jumpy. I'm jittery.
I'm anxious and panicky.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
Yeah, I'm nervous!


What's this? 这是什麽
Read it. 读出来吧。
I can't. 我不敢读。
Would you read it, Marilyn? 请 读好吗 Maarilyn
"Richard Stewart's show at the Carlson Gallery "Richard Stewaart在Carlson画廊展出的
is a collection of photographs 是选出的摄影作作
from his new book entitled Family Album, U.S.A. 从他的新书Famiily Album, U.S.A.
There is power and beauty in Mr. Stewart's work, Stewart先生的鬃髌分姓 现出力与美。
and his book 他的书
introduces us to a remarkable new talent." 让我们看到一位位卓越的新秀。
Oh, Richard, it's wonderful! 噢 Richard 烫 棒了
Congratulations! 恭喜你
Wow! I'm overwhelmed. 喔 我太感动了了
Ladies and gentlemen, 各位女士 各位位先
if I may have your attention for a moment, please? 我想 用你们一一点点时间 好
I hope you're all enjoying the exhibition. 我希望你们都喜喜欢这个展
I know that I am. 我知道我是很喜喜欢
And I would like to introduce the young man 现在我希望向大大家介绍这位年轻
who spent the last five years 用过去五年的时时
taking these remarkable pictures 来拍摄这些 出出作
and writing the background for Family Album,U.S.A.-- 为Family Albbum,U.S.A.撰写背景说明的年轻人
Mr. Richard Stewart. Richard Stewarrt先生。
Hello. 你们好。
I want to thank all of you for coming here tonight. 我非常感谢你们们大家今天晚上的赏光
I'd like to thank Harvey Carlson 我非常感谢Harvvey Carlson
for his faith in my project. 对我工作计划的的信心
But most of all, 但最重要的
I would like to thank my family 我要感谢我的家家
for their love and support all through this adventure. 在这整个工作期期间给予我的爱和支持
Thank you. 谢谢各位。
Oh, I'm glad that's over. 噢 我真高兴终终於结束了
Would you mind? 你们不介意吧
Would you mind? 你们不介意吧
Oh, not at all. 噢 一点也不。
Thanks. 谢谢。
Our pleasure. 非常荣幸。
Hope it wins a Pulitzer Prize. 希望它能得Puliitzer奖。
I'll settle for an "A" in my photography course. 我只要摄影课能能得"A"就满足了
Ah, Richard, Marilyn, I want you to meet John O'Neill. 啊 Richard MMarilyn 我向你们介绍John O'Neill。
Oh, how do you do? 噢 你好吗?
Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
I've been looking forward to meeting your husband, Mrs. Stewart. 我一直希望能见见到 先生 Stewart太太
I'm really impressed by your show. 你的展览让我留留下了深刻的印象
Thank you. 谢谢。
In fact, I'd like your autograph. 事实上 我想要要你的签名
Oh, well, really ... 噢 哦 真的……
On a contract. 在一份合同上面面
What's this about, Harvey? 这是怎麽回事 Harvey
Mr. O'Neill is the publisher of several magazines. O'Neill先生是汉眉讣以 的发行人。
Of course. I've seen you on television. 当然。我在电视视上看见过你
Mr. O'Neill was so impressed with your work O'Neill先生被哪 的作品深深打动
that he wants to develop it into a magazine concept. 他想要将它加以以发展 使之成为一个杂 方面的构想
Well, that sounds very exciting, 嗯 听起来很令令人兴奋
but where would I fit into the plan? 但是我在这项计计划中怎麽定位
I'd like you to be the photo editor of the magazine. 我希望你能做杂杂 的摄影编辑
I'd like you to be the photo editor of the magazine. 我希望你能做杂杂 的摄影编辑
Oh, Richard, how exciting! 哦 Richard 汉 令人兴奋
It's a wonderful opportunity, Richard. 这是一个好机会会 Richard
Hold on. Wait a minute, please. 等等。请稍等一一下
What's the problem, Richard? 有什麽问题吗 Richard
The problem is that I'm a photographer, not an editor. 问题是我是一个个摄影师 不是一个编辑
I like what I do. 我喜欢我所做的的工作
In fact, I love what I do ... 事实上 我热爱爱我的工作…
which is going out with a camera and a roll of film 那就是带著照相相机和一卷底片出去
and seeing the wonder of humanity. 看众生奇景。
Now, I appreciate your offer, 因此 我感激你你的提议
but I've worked so hard on Family Album, U.S.A., 但是我一直为Faamily Album, U.S.A.辛勤工作
and I'm giving some thought to a new book on a different subject. 如今我又开始在在构想另一本不同题材的新书
I'm flattered, 你的厚爱使我受受宠若
but I enjoy taking pictures, and I want to continue doing that. 但我喜欢拍照片片 而且我要继续做这一行
Thank you, 谢谢你
but I'm happy being a photographer. 但我乐於当一名名摄影师
I understand, Richard. 我懂了 Richarrd。
Richard, I know your next book will be a success. Richard 我相行拍愕南乱 本书会成功。
Congratulations! 恭喜你
Thanks. 谢谢。
You're a real Stewart! 你真不愧是Stewwart家的人
Thanks. 谢谢。
but I'm happy being a photographer. 但我乐於当一名杂 的摄影编辑
I understand, Richard. 我懂了 Richar好令人兴奋
Richard, I know your next book will be a success. Richard 我相谢 Richard
Congratulations! 恭喜你
Thanks. 谢谢。
You're a real Stewart! 你真不愧是Stew个摄影师 不是一个编辑
Thanks. 谢谢。

I can see our love grow.
Grandpa loves his family.
Grandpa loves his family.
There's a lot of love here.
I will always love you.
And I'll try to make you happy everyday.
I'm gonna miss you.
I'm gonna miss you.
You're gonna be fine.
We need some quality time together.
What we need is quality time.

顶端 Posted: 2009-12-11 10:40 | 46 楼    新版 | 安规网

级别: 安规技术员
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顶端 Posted: 2010-02-19 08:55 | 47 楼    新版 | 安规网

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顶端 Posted: 2010-02-21 10:17 | 48 楼    新版 | 安规网

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thanks for sharing

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